I was born a middle-class white child in a smallish Idaho city. Mom, Dad, Dayna and I live in a little house on Highland.
My sister, Dayna, and I were totally spoiled by our parental grandparents. I think I got a new Barbie every week.
I learn that bumblebees don't want to be petted. Did you know that?
Daddy takes a teaching job in a small Oregon logging town. DeeDee and I dance in the Scandinavian Festival.
My favorite books are
A Little Old Man
Hop On Pop
. I can still remember how it felt when the letters on the page suddenly had meaning.
Mom takes me to kindergarten on the back of her bicycle. Our class went on a field trip to a dairy, where we had Oreos and chocolate milk--the only time I've ever liked chocolate milk.
First grade lasts all of two weeks. I cried every day of second grade.
Our family is complete with the arrival of Kiki. She is instantly the star of the family.
Thanks, Olga Korbut, for getting me interested in gymnastics. I attend the Oregon Academy of Artistic Gymnastics. I am the 8-and under City Backstroke Champ.
I am not very good at math.
For some reason, I was very interested in the Patty Hearst saga, and pray for her every night. The Vietnam War was also the cause of much concern.
Back to Idaho, and starting jr. high. If you want to know what I looked like, find a picture of Christian Soriano. Tragic.
Bicentennial festivities.
Cristy Greenwood is my next-door neighbor and best friend. Why do I always have to be Donny when we sing the farewell song from the Donny and Marie show as we get off the bus?
I had a crush on Bart Naylor for the longest time, but he grew up to be fat and live in Boise. Let that be a lesson to young women everywhere.
DeeDee graduated from high school. I discover punk music, and I like it.
My first boyfriend was Randy Potter. He was a stud.
High school graduation and leaving Boise for the bright lights of...Provo. "At least I'm out of Boise," is my motto.
I am so lucky to have Cristy, Jenny, Stephanie, Linda and Carrie as roommates and truly BFF. They helped me become the woman I am today.
My most unusual job--artists' model. I refused to do conventional things like food service.
Cindy Kay and Sharon are added to my BFF list, and I meet my future ex-husband. What if that's the way he had been introduced to me?
Would you believe I graduated with a degree in Physical Education? Pfft!!
Grad school and BYU Theatre Ballet Corps de Ballet. I love dancing.
Graduated with a Master's in Health Promotion, and get a job in...banking. It was an education, to be sure.
My gallbladder and I part company acrimoniously. It gives me compassion for the people I later treat.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. I did get some terrific in-laws out of it.
Kansas City isn't such a bad place to live. And I made my first trip to Europe.
Columbia, South Carolina is also nice. It is here that I learn to tap dance.
Munich works its way into my heart. I performed in community theater and with the local ballet company.
It occurs to me that I actually do have what it takes to go to medical school. Fortunately, I have a supportive husband.
I'm on the President's Honor Roll at the University of South Carolina. The road to med school begins.
I was so blessed to be able to go to med school. I honestly loved every day of it.
I love anatomy, and was the lead TA for the PA/PT anatomy course. Actually, I had three jobs and went to school.
Charleston is a beautiful city. The most beautiful smell is the tea olive plant; the worst is the horses.
My first exposure to living in NYC. I flirt briefly with the idea of becoming an orthopedic surgeon.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
I never knew I could hurt so badly, but Heavenly Father blessed me to have a very strong support network.
My testimony grows by leaps and bounds by service to others, really studying the scriptures, and knowing some exceptional people.
Turns out that I really do like Interventional Radiology as much as I thought I would. Diane gets her groove back with the rainforest zip line tour guide.
I probably dated more men this year than in six years of college, and I still find time to run a marathon.
Finishing residency, passing the boards, and starting fellowship. The NYC Temple is dedicated, and I live right next door.
Rowdy--what can I say My Love?? You were so worth the wait.
More adventure, love and joy than I ever dreamed possible. I lucked out a second time with the in-laws. Also, would anyone have ever guessed that I'd be Primary President?
J, K,and M learn that their mom and dad will always find each other. Gelato Two-a-Days are mandatory when travelling in Italy.
I don't know how to express how much I love my sweet, strong, thoughtful and supportive husband. What does the future hold? Surely more adventures!