Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Weekly Challenge Begins!

I was able to think of 26 physical challenges, 26 miscellaneous challenges and 13 spiritual challenges for the coming year.  Each spiritual challenge will be repeated four times during the year; the others, twice.

The challenges will be selected every Saturday so that I can start planning.  The actual challenge will begin the next day and carried out through the next Saturday.  Separate from the challenges, I will be resuming my running and riding schedules.

The most difficult challenge is "no Diet Coke for a week".  I have to admit that I really debated modifying or dropping that one.  After all, "no sweets" is only for six days.  But it's only twice in the year, and the fact that it sounds so hard lets me know that it's something I should do.

The first weekly challenges have been selected...and they are...
1.  Say hi to someone new every day.  This was actually Rowdy's contribution, since I stalled out at 25.  I think it's kind of lame, because I say hi to lots of new people every day.  But who knows?  Maybe this will end up being a more interesting challenge if I'm really thinking about it.

Addendum:  Not even into the first week, I am already going to make a change.  I think that it would be more challenging for me to wash and moisturize my face every night.  I almost never do that, truth be told.  It would be a good habit to develop.

2.  Stretch for 20 minutes every day.  I really need this, but I haven't been consistent with stretching every day, nor have I spent the time to get a really good stretch.

3.  Read a different Conference talk every day.  It doesn't matter when the Conference was or if the themes of each talk are similar.  Listening to it on my iPod as I run doesn't count, either.

1 comment:

Amberly said...

this is brilliant. keep sharing, I may be a copycat.

My Rad Life!