Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remember, Remember the 6th of November

1)  Today is the 50th birthday of my friend, Cristy.  We have known each other since junior high.  I'm so grateful to have had her as a friend and college roommate.  She has always been a great example to me.

2)I'm also grateful that she was the first of tight group of college friends to become a grandma.  Most of us have married children already, but hers were the oldest of the group.  It will be fun when the Jo-Jos start having kids, but I'm more than fine with them waiting awhile.

3)  Everyone at the polling place today was so pleasant and cheerful.  There were even people dressed in red, white and blue.  Parents took their children with them, teaching them the importance of voting.  It's an enormous blessing to live in a place where elections are free, and where we are civil about our differences.  After the trash talking I've seen on FB, I was a little worried that people would be riled up.  But no, everyone went about their business politely, and even joyfully.  Let's keep that up, people!

4)  Only about 50% of our YW group is active.  I've known most of the girls since I taught them in Primary, so it is really hard to see one of my favorite YW losing her way in the last year or so.  I'm grateful for her loving and caring mother, who gave me some insight into this lovely young woman's life right now and good guidance on how I and the rest of the YW leaders can reach out to her.  I gave a lesson on "the rescue plan" last Sunday, and
5)  I'm grateful to know that I can get divine help in reaching out to all of my YW.

1 comment:

cindy said...

Hi honey!
I LOVE reading your daily gratitude list. Even though I don't post every day...know that your words are read and appreciated!!!!! I LOVE YOU.

My Rad Life!