Monday, November 12, 2012

On the Twelfth Day of Grateful

1)  The rhinovirus that's been stalking me for two weeks breached my defenses at 3 am.  I'm grateful that it's still a pretty mild case.
2)  Whenever I have a nightmare, I have to wake myself up and remind myself how grateful I am that whatever happened in my dream didn't happen in real life--I didn't do the dumb thing or have to be around the objectionable person, etc.  Sometimes I even catch myself without completely waking up and make changes in the dream.  That's a little trick I learned from my dad.
3)  I'm grateful for my dad.
4)  We completed our December travel plans yesterday.  I'm grateful for time off and for our savings account.
5)  I'm grateful to have been able to visit a sick ward family member in the hospital today.

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