Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Got 99 Gratefuls

Well, just five really.  And no, the b$#@* ain't one.

1)  Rainy weather is a nice break from the Santa Anas of a few weeks ago.  I am grateful for the sound of rain outside when I am snuggly warm and dry inside.
2)  Rainy weather also means that I can wear my new favorite pants, seen in this photo:

Thanks, Prana, for making cute cords!
3)  Movie night with my sweetheart.  We went to see the new Bond movie.  I am grateful for my eyes, if ya get my drift.
4)  More gratitude for my team at work.  We got a lot of work done with minimal muss and fuss.
5)  It seemed in the middle of the week that I was going to develop a rip-roaring head cold.  But I did not, for which I am grateful.

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