Wednesday, November 21, 2012

21--Legally Grateful

1)  I'm grateful that the Salted Caramel Apple hand pies are done.  The pumpkin pie is in the oven.
I go for taste, not looks.

2)  I'm grateful for Rowdy's cousin, Honoree, for pinning that recipe in the first place.
3)  I'm grateful that my mom and dad made it here safely and that we can spend a few days together.  My dad was telling us stories at dinner about how Grandpa Chaffee was a high-wheel bike racer in his youth.  There was a photo of him somewhere (oh, how I wish we had it!) from when he was a racer.  Dad says that Great-Grandpa's body looked like The Great Sandow's (a strongman from the 19th century).  Great-Grandpa started out as a beer distributor, before becoming a Coca-Cola bottler and Buick dealership owner.  He used to pick the full beer kegs up easily and fling them around.
This is not the photo, but you get the idea of what it might look like.

It's fun to be descended from a fearless bicycle racer and all-around strong guy.

4)  I'm grateful for my mom's enjoyment of cooking and kitchen gadgets, which she passed along to me.
5)  I'm grateful for family in general--immediate, ancestors and family-by-marriage.

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