Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Lovin'

I went to Spinning at my gym today.  It was the first time back at my gym in, oh, like six months.  Hey, I've been hitting the streets.  But anyhoo, class was fun.  The Monday evening spin teacher usually has good music, and the time goes by quickly. 

So I loved class, and I also loved that people said that they missed me and wanted me to come to the gym again.

I loved going to Luna Grill with R and K for dinner and hearing about K's return to jiujitsu.  He worked so hard he puked.  It made his dad so proud!


Tory said...

I wish I had the mental capacity to work myself that hard.

Rowdy said...

thing is tory, he wasnt in charge of how hard he worked. when someone else has the whip and your fighting for your life, you do what you gotta do.
and thats a real workout!

My Rad Life!