Saturday, August 6, 2011

My New Calling

Apparently, I was sustained last week while I was out of town (more about that later), so I can reveal that I have a new calling, and that calling is...
counselor in the Young Women's presidency.  I don't know which number counselor I am, but I will be working with the Mia Maids.  For those of you who don't know, that means the 14 and 15-year-olds.

For reasons I can't quite fathom, the only information I can get out of the existing YW workers is that, "They (the Mia Maids) are going through a hard time".  Is that just because they're 14 and 15, which is the roughest period of adolescence?  Are they personally having difficulties?  Are they having problems with each other?  Beats me.  I couldn't even get a class roster from the MM adviser.  When I asked who was in the class, she said, " you mean the official list or the other list?"

Whatever.  It turns out that I know almost all of them from Primary, when they were darling, sweet girls.  They know me, and they know that I love them (I'm pretty sure).  I also know that this is where the Lord needs me now, so it's going to work out fine somehow.

Rowdy had a very good point.  He said that my job is teach these girls how to be a woman.  Whether or not they listen to anything I say over the period of time that I'm in this calling, they can at least have me as a role model.

Meanwhile, I have not been released from my Stake Primary calling.  We have an inservice meeting coming up, so it is important to have the full presidency to plan and pull this off. So the Stake Presidency asked me to keep going until they find a replacement. 

No worries.  I'm just scheduled to work a crapload of overtime, am training for a triathlon, and have a husband who will be hospitalized and then on TPN at home for two months.  No biggie.  Got it covered.


Tory said...

I guess that makes you first counselor! You will do great!

Amberly said...

holy calling overload! I suppose I'll quit complaining about mine now. I'm the primary chorister... again. I love RS and dislike being taken out of there, but you, my dear, have it much worse- or better... blessings come to those who serve, right?? you got lots comin' your way!!

The Silly Witch said...

You will be great! May you get released from your Stake Calling quickly because you will be busy!

Molly said...

What a great calling! I love being in the Young WOmen's. I just got released from young womens and am now a cub scout leader! Oh yeah...go me.....I guess that's what happens when you have boys.

My Rad Life!