Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Making Lemonade

This week could have stunk totally, but things have a way of working out.  For instance, I discovered that I was scheduled to work a rotation today  that I have only done once in six years.  It involves working from 7 am to 7 pm, but you get the morning of your half day off.  So I was able to go home and sleep on Tuesday morning (after working all night on Monday) so that I could be chipper for my temple shift on Tuesday night.

The next sweetener to the lemonade:  a coworker called me Tuesday afternoon, asking if he could trade his ultrasound rotation for the first half of my long Wednesday shift.  Don't mind if I do!

Little bit of sour now:  one of my 10 crowns fell off on Tuesday night.  That's what a stale Starburst will do to you.  But the sweet had two parts--first, being on ultrasound this morning meant that I could actually take time off to run to the dentist to get it glued back on.  Part two was the $500 check that the dentist gave me, because they had made a mistake about what my deductible was this year.

The slight sourness of going to a very looooong Mutual movie night was offset by the sweet of being with the youth (I have to say that, don't I?) and hearing from my friend Vanesa that her lovely and talented daughter, Elise, was planning on studying opera with the marvelous and talented Darrell Babidge!  She will be driving three hours one way from Cedar City to Provo once a week during the fall semester, and hopefully will be able to transfer to the Y for the winter.

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