Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorable Memorial Weekend

The hills outside of Vegas have some nice mountain bike trails, so we strapped four bikes on the back of the Lexus and took off for the weekend. Paul and Amber were great travel companions. Amber works for a major hotel chain and was able to get a massive discount on a suite that they kindly shared with us.

I really haven't taken the time to go out riding lately, so I'm a wuss when it comes to, well, just about anything tricky. But it was still a lot of fun to get out and ride around.

We decided to nickname Rowdy either Flatty or Patches O'Houlihan after he had to fix a total of eight flats over the course of two days. That's what happens when you run over a cactus. And I thought that I had problems with cacti!

So, ride, swim, ride, buffet, sleep, ride (or rest, in my case), eat, visit the Atomic Testing Museum, and then a loooooonnng ride home in the Memorial Day traffic.

I would like to go back and play on the trails and mtb park in Boulder City.

More photos and story on Amber and Rowdy's blogs.

1 comment:

Steph said...

oh fun! These trails remind me of my favorite places in AZ! I love the west, don't you!?!

My Rad Life!