Friday, February 3, 2012

A Perpetual Motion Machine I Am Not

I have been a major slug for the last two weeks.  It didn't help that I brought a cold home with me from Utah, and it also does not help that I have been on call since last Friday, and will remain on call until a week from Monday.  On top of which, work has been absolutely nuts for months as far as busyness.

I want to sleep as late as I can, and when I come home, I want to just sit on the couch.  There has been no grocery shopping, no home-cooked meals, no swimming, no running, no cycling.  Definitely, there has been no exercise class-taking.  As I told a friend earlier today, I feel like I have been subsisting on Girl Scout cookies, and my fitness routine consists of a few jumping jacks here and there.

There are friends who I'd like to get together with that I have not (Sydney's Scentsy party helped alleviate that somewhat), time I'd like to spend with Rowdy that I have not, good deeds that I could do that I have not.

But, the tide is turning.  Tonight, I made my family dinner from a recipe I found on Pinterest (saucy Asian meatballs).  Tomorrow morning, I am going for a walk with my friend, Sarah.  So it's always possible to change, right?  Then it's a Jiu-Jitsu barbeque (our BBQ can beat up any other BBQ on the planet), maybe some rock climbing and watching the UFC fights, if I don't get called in to work.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I have been in a funk too. What the heck!

My Rad Life!