Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mama!

My mom is 70 years old today. She doesn't look it. She doesn't act like it. She says that she doesn't feel like it.

Here are just some of the things that my mom has taught me:

1) Reading is fun and a good way to learn about the world
2) Education is important
3) In an employment situation, you should always do your best and work hard
4) Dancing keeps you young
5) Being a supportive, loving wife is worth it (if you have a good man)
6) Sometimes you have to hold your mouth just right when cooking to have the dish turn out the way you want it
7) A warm, handmade sweater is like a hug when you're far away from each other
8) Follow your motherly intuition
9) Buck up
10) Primary songs make the best lullabies

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