As it had been probably 20 years since I owned a BYU shirt, I visited the bookstore on line. This is to remind me of the days when I actually was a participant in BYU dance, as a member of the corps in the ballet company.

These two jokesters bought themselves SDSU shirts. It's not like they have any ties to State besides just living near it. They just like being contrarians.

Small-Head Cosmo usually creeps me out a little, but his expression was perfect when he was doing a little break dance. He's much cuter and less-creepy to me now. Rowdy said he'd take a picture of me with Cosmo, but that would just be dorky.

BYU did win, despite their not-always-stellar play and quite good play from the Aztecs. A win is a win, but I don't think that the Cougs are going to be in the top 20 on Monday.
***Well, the Y actually moved up in the rankings. Yay!! And yay as well to UT and Bozo State!
awwwww so lucky I wanted to go so bad!
Cosmo is a dork.
1. i dont owe blind allegiance to a college just because it was founded by the religion i choose to be in. im not a zombie.
2. i've never lived in utah. i've lived in CA though for 9 years.
3. i have never set foot at byu. i have been to sdsu. some of my friends go there currently. NONE of my friends go to byu.
4. your mascot dances poses. my mascot does push ups. like a warrior.
5. the college i got my degree from didn't and still doesn't have a football team. so i am allowed to adopt whichever college i choose.
6. i am not a mindless zombie. half those people wouldnt root for byu if they didn't have a religious connection. they are fans by coincidence, not out of true knowledge.
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