It's not just Luke who loves Sea World (check out We're SWELL!)--the Briccos love it, too.
One of the nice things about living in Sandy Lameo is that you can purchase a year-round pass for the same price as a single-admission ticket and be sure to make it worth your while.
My favorite part was the dolphin encounter. I love dolphins, and it was so fun to be able to pet one and feed him. I'm definitely signing up to do the more intense encounter, when you can put on the wetsuit and get in the water with the dolphins and their trainers.
The only time I've been very close to a dolphin in the wild was in Costa Rica on our honeymoon. Rowdy saw dolphins swimming along beside me as I was surfing. Since I was concentrating on not falling, I missed it. It would've made a cool picture.
Wish we had gone to the same Sea World together! My kids LOOOOVE it. I loved the Shamu show. I find it inspiring even though Evan things it's trite. xoxo
We sooo should have gone to Sea World instead of Disney Land. . .
Merry Christmas!
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