Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yay for Wonderful Sisters!

My last posting now looks overwrought to me. You know, it's not like my house burnt down or my husband left me or I was diagnosed with a horrible disease. Things that really were getting me down were really just me not performing to expectations and a run of things not turning out well. Overall, I have been experiencing a big loss of confidence in myself, which is starting to turn around. Thank goodness! I hate feeling like I totally suck.

I'm a lot tougher on myself than anyone else is on me, so when I make a mistake I totally beat myself up. There's a definite vein of drama queen running through me, sad to say.

Anyway, this is all part of life.

In very exciting news, my sister Karen is arriving today for a Thanksgiving visit! My sisters are the funnest people to hang out with. (Dayna, this means you need to come and see us soon.) All morning, I've been atwitter, knowing that two of my most favorite people ever, Rowdy and Kiki, will be there when I get home today. I wish that I didn't have to work today and Friday. Yay for wonderful sisters!!!

1 comment:

Janette Rallison said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

My Rad Life!