Sometimes, when things are slow here at work, I check out my friends' blogs, and then my friends' friends' blogs. Some of the friends' friends' are women that I am acquainted with through our old NYC ward but never had the opportunity to be come good friends with, some are total strangers. I am so impressed by people's creativity and the sometimes touching, sometimes funny but always insightful glimpses into their lives.
Most of these women (and the two men who are good friends of my sister's) are young parents. I have to admit that there are times when I read their blogs and reflect on the decisions I made that took me to very different places in my life, with no chance to go back and take another road.
The cure for the slight case of the blues that follows is always to count my many blessings, because I have been abundantly recompensated for whatever I have missed out on in life due to my choices or the choices other people have made that have affected my life.
Some of the things I have been thinking I'm thankful for are:
1) A handsome, intelligent, fun, loving (and fun-loving) husband--he makes coming home for lunch an event and going back to work very difficult!
2) Three terrific stepchildren--Jordan and Keiler are coming to visit tomorrow. Jordo is going on a camping trip on Monday, but we get Keiler for the whole week. I'm so glad to have the chance to spend time with him. He's such a great kid, and he's at a very tricky point in his life. It looks like he's making some good decisions and good habits. I want to know more about what he's thinking, what he's planning, and what is motivating him. Teenagers don't give as many sweet soundbites and cute pictures as little ones, but I am sure that I will post some pictures of our adventures next week.
3) Mom, Dad, DeeDee and Kiki--they're all doing well right now, and I love that they are my my friends as well as my family. And I have to add my Bricco parents and siblings--they are just as wonderful as my parents and sisters.
4) A comfy house--still loving the new sofa and missing Olivia, who is visiting her family in Acupulco this month.
5) So many great friends doing interesting things--for instance, Steph is just starting the third annual Sovietsk Internat service trip (yes, there is a better name for that). Cristy is combining being mother of 6, waterskiing, being charge nurse at a busy ER, and building a new house. AmyJo is just going, going, going--camping, running the Lexington Mothers' Club, to the water park in Charleston, you name it.
6) The Primary and how reasonably-well it's running--I was able to attend the Activity Days girls' pool party yesterday during my lunch hour. They are so sweet, and my Activity Days leader is a gem.
7) The temple--after approximately nine months as a receptionist at the San Diego Temple, I was set apart as an ordinance worker last Tuesday night! It is so wonderful be in the temple every Tuesday and interact with the other workers and the patrons. The matron, Sister Sorenson, and her assistants, Sister Farner and Sister Zollinger, are three of my role models.
8) Family History--I have the spirit of Elijah right now, no doubt about it!
9) A very rewarding and enjoyable job--Not everyone can say that about their employment, but I just love what I do and where I do it.
10) Fitness--I love that I'm 42 but I can still run and jump and do pushups and swim and mountain bike and...pretty much whatever I want to do, except do flips. It makes me too dizzy these days to even do somersaults.
Of course there's more, but that was enough to make me feel much, much better.