Monday, January 10, 2011

They're Called Challenges For a Reason

Sending thank you notes to three people from out of the blue and sending a sibling a package may not seem like challenges to some, but I chose them for good reasons. 

For one thing, I am a procrastinator (case in point--I am sitting on my couch blogging rather than going out and buying my sister a present).  If I make a deadline, I will actually do the thing I set out to do.  It might be Saturday, but I will do it.

For another thing, I feel a little bit nervous about sending notes to people whom I have not seen for years.  I'm never confident that people will remember me, and I worry that they'll think I'm a weirdo.  What I hope, though, is that they will be happy to know that something little they did has helped someone grow and develop.


Tory said...

So, I have been planning to start sending out thank you cards this year as well. I saw a man on the news doing publicity for his book "365 Thank Yous". It was all about how sending thank you cards every day of the year changed his life.

tenacious d said...

I saw something about that too. I think it subliminally encouraged me to do this particular challenge. Good luck!

My Rad Life!