Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conference Thoughts

This last General Conference was one of the best, in my opinion. Maybe I was just ready to be taught.

Elder Scott's talk about personal revelation was very pertinent to my life and things I've been needing. I like how he outlined a technique to getting and processing personal revelation:

1) Exercise faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and ask
2) Record the impressions you receive
3) Ponder those impressions
4) Pray and review with the Lord what you think you've been taught
5) Express gratitude to the Lord for that inspiration
6) Ask if there's more you should know

The last thing I recorded in my journal synopsis of his talk is, "As you pray with all your soul with fervor and gratitude, you can consistently be guided by the Holy ghost in all aspects of your life." That seemed tailor-made for me, since I feel so much the need to be guided in all aspects of my life--marriage, parenting, work and now my new calling...

...which I cannot divulge the title of at this time, but will after Sunday. I can say that I'm not the boss of anything, thank goodness. But it is still enough of a stretch for me that I'm thinking, "Ohmyheck! What do I have to contribute to this?"

Elder Holland's talk about and testimony of the Book of Mormon was so powerful that I felt transfixed to the couch and like I could hardly even blink. My own testimony of the Book of Mormon, the Savior, and Joseph Smith's role in restoring the true Church were strengthened and magnified. It will be interesting to see if that same feeling comes across in the printed version. I think it will.


The Silly Witch said...

I was nourished by this conference, as well. I'm so glad I made a few simple preparations for the children so I could watch all the talks, and I can't wait for that November Ensign so I can savor each word. During Elder Holland's most powerful of addresses Rebecca, nearly age 8, sat awestruck. She marveled that the book he held in his hand was the actual book Joseph and Hyrum read from right before they they were martyred.

tenacious d said...

I know! Wasn't that cool? We wondered if the curators of the Church History Museum had their hearts in their throats the whole time, though, not just because of the amazing talk.

Dayna said...

I taped the Sunday Afternoon session because I was with the 'rents, and when I got home I had a really strong feeling that I should watch it right then.

Even taped, the Choir's rendition of "O Divine Redeemer", then Elder Holland's talk knocked me over with the Spirit.

I think that talk will go down in history with some of the other landmark talks, such as Pres. Benson's talk on Pride, Elder McConkie's final talk, etc.

tenacious d said...

Yeah. In fact, I was like, "Oh crap! This isn't going to be his final talk, is it?" And then he said something about hoping that he's going to stick around for a long time.

Amberlin Gefrom said...

I couldn't agree more!

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen to all that's been said!

My Rad Life!