Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Three Years of Non-Stop Joy

Here are just a few thoughts about my love in honor of our third anniversary:

R is for riotous. He makes me laugh every day.

O is for outspoken. If you want to know what he thinks or how he feels about something, just ask him. He'll tell you without pulling any punches.

W is for well-versed in all things related to international relations. Ask him about any conflict in the last 30 years, and he can give you detailed information and analysis.

D is for devoted dad and husband. He loves his kids and does the best he can to stay connected to them. He's my hero, support and cheerleader as well.

Y is for youthful. But don't confuse that with naivete or ignorance. He may look like a kid (so much so that the neighbor kids come over to ask if he can play), and he plays like a kid, but he's a grown man.


Amberly said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... you've got a winner, and so does he. You seem perfectly suited for each other and you seem happy. I like seeing (feeling?) you happy.

Tory said...

I love you guys! Hapy anniversary.

Tory said...

Umm..pretty sure I meant hapPy...

Lezlie said...

That's so funny, I spelled out the song from your blog to Rowdy on his! Love you guys and are so happy you are together. Happy anniversary.

Steph said...

Happy Anniversary! You both deserve someone great! Looks like you both got it :)

Jen said...

Happy Anniversary!

nyclizzie said...

Wow! 3 years---crazy! Congratulations! May the adventures continue...xoxo

My Rad Life!